ieee754.fpadd package


ieee754.fpadd.add0 module

IEEE754 Floating Point Adder Pipeline

Copyright (C) 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>

class ieee754.fpadd.add0.FPAddStage0Mod(pspec)

Bases: nmutil.pipemodbase.PipeModBase


ieee754.fpadd.add1 module

IEEE754 Floating Point Multiplier Pipeline

Copyright (C) 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>

class ieee754.fpadd.add1.FPAddStage1Mod(pspec)

Bases: nmutil.pipemodbase.PipeModBase

Second stage of add: preparation for normalisation. detects when tot sum is too big (tot[27] is kinda a carry bit)

if sum is too big (MSB is set), the mantissa needs shifting down and the exponent increased by 1.

we also need to extract the overflow info: sticky “accumulates” the bottom 2 LSBs if the shift occurs.


ieee754.fpadd.addstages module

IEEE754 Floating Point Adder Pipeline

Copyright (C) 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>

class ieee754.fpadd.addstages.FPAddAlignSingleAdd(pspec)

Bases: nmutil.pipemodbase.PipeModBaseChain


ieee754.fpadd.align module

IEEE754 Floating Point Library

Copyright (C) 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>

class ieee754.fpadd.align.FPAddAlignMultiMod(width)

Bases: object

Module to do mantissa alignment shift in multiple cycles

class ieee754.fpadd.align.FPAddAlignSingleMod(pspec)

Bases: nmutil.pipemodbase.PipeModBase


Aligns A against B or B against A, depending on which has the greater exponent. This is done in a single cycle using variable-width bit-shift

the shifter used here is quite expensive in terms of gates. Mux A or B in (and out) into temporaries, as only one of them needs to be aligned against the other.

code is therefore slightly complex because after testing which exponent is greater, a and b get mux-routed into the multi-shifter and so does the output.


ieee754.fpadd.datastruct module

IEEE754 Floating Point Adder Pipeline

Copyright (C) 2019 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>

class ieee754.fpadd.datastruct.FPAddStage0Data(pspec)

Bases: object


ieee754.fpadd.fadd_state module

class ieee754.fpadd.fadd_state.FPADD(width, single_cycle=False)

Bases: ieee754.fpcommon.fpbase.FPBase,


creates the HDL code-fragment for FPAdd

ieee754.fpadd.nmigen_add_experiment module

ieee754.fpadd.pipeline module

IEEE Floating Point Adder Pipeline

Relevant bugreport:

Stack looks like this:

  • scnorm - FPMulSpecialCasesDeNorm
  • addalign - FPAddAlignSingleAdd
  • normpack - FPNormToPack

scnorm - FPDIVSpecialCasesDeNorm ispec FPBaseData —— ospec FPSCData

StageChain: FPMULSpecialCasesMod,
FPAddDeNormMod FPAlignModSingle

addalign - FPAddAlignSingleAdd ispec FPSCData ——– ospec FPPostCalcData

StageChain: FPAddAlignSingleMod
FPAddStage0Mod FPAddStage1Mod

normpack - FPNormToPack ispec FPPostCalcData ——– ospec FPPackData

StageChain: Norm1ModSingle,
RoundMod, CorrectionsMod, PackMod

This pipeline has a 3 clock latency, and, with the separation into separate “modules”, it is quite clear how to create longer-latency pipelines (if needed) - just create a new, longer top-level (FPADDBasePipe alternative) and construct shorter pipe stages using the building blocks, RoundMod, FPAddStage0Mod etc.

class ieee754.fpadd.pipeline.FPADDBasePipe(pspec)

Bases: nmutil.singlepipe.ControlBase


handles case where stage has dynamic ready/valid functions

class ieee754.fpadd.pipeline.FPADDMuxInOut(width, num_rows, op_wid=None)

Bases: nmutil.concurrentunit.ReservationStations

Reservation-Station version of FPADD pipeline.

  • fan-in on inputs (an array of FPBaseData: a,b,mid)
  • 3-stage adder pipeline
  • fan-out on outputs (an array of FPPackData: z,mid)

Fan-in and Fan-out are combinatorial.

ieee754.fpadd.specialcases module

class ieee754.fpadd.specialcases.FPAddSpecialCasesDeNorm(pspec)

Bases: nmutil.pipemodbase.PipeModBaseChain

special cases chain


links module to inputs and outputs

class ieee754.fpadd.specialcases.FPAddSpecialCasesMod(pspec)

Bases: nmutil.pipemodbase.PipeModBase

special cases: NaNs, infs, zeros, denormalised NOTE: some of these are unique to add. see “Special Operations”


ieee754.fpadd.statemachine module

Module contents